Stress Management

Stress management refers to the wide spectrum of techniques and psychotherapies aimed at controlling a person’s levels of stress, especially chronic stress, usually for the purpose of improving everyday functioning.


Siddhi Mind Academy

Yoga & Meditation

“Stress Management is the ability of an individual to manage the perceived pressures they face on a day to day basis. This may be through a variety of techniques including reducing or reappraising the pressures and enhancing coping ability and resources.”
We have three main strategies we can use to tackle stress and we will be teaching you these methods in the sessions of this course. These strategies are:

1. Doing something about the causes of stress.

2. Altering our thinking to a more stress resistant style of thinking.

3. Using cushioning techniques to protect us from the stressors that we cant change; techniques such as relaxation, exercise, regular sleep, regular breaks, etc.

Benefits of Learning Stress Management

Some people may wonder if learning Stress Management skills is worth all the effort. Research has shown that an individual who learns Stress Management gains a tremendous number of benefits when compared to people who haven’t learned Stress Management. Techniques like exercise, improved nutrition, relaxation, stress resistant thinking, etc., all help, not only to reduce our stress, but also reduce our risk of developing a number of common health problems. The psychological and physiological benefits include:

Psychological Benefits

· Improves self esteem

· Improves self confidence

· Reduces anxiety levels

· Reduces risk of depression

· Reduces risk of panic attacks

· Less reliant on alcohol

· Improves coping skills

· Reduces anger levels

· Improves relationships

· Improves quality of life

· Greater optimism

· Greater efficiency at work

· Improves concentration

· Improves memory

· Reduces anxious thinking

· Reduces feelings of frustration

· Increases feeling of control

· Improves decision making

· Make less mistakes

· Reduction in mood swings

· Less sensitive to criticism

· Improves interaction with others

Physiological Benefits

· Lowers blood pressure

· Reduces heart attack risk

· Reduces stroke risk

· Reduces osteoporosis risk

· Lowers risk of developing certain cancers

· Boosts immune system

· Suffer less colds and flu

· Reduces constipation

· Lowers risk of type II diabetes

· Reduces risk of gall bladder disease

· Reduces risk of diverticulitis

· Boosts energy levels

· Improves sleep pattern

· Keeps arteries more flexible

· Improves cholesterol profile

· Blood clots less easily

· Reduces risk of impotence

· Reduces back pain

· Lowers stress hormone levels

· Reduces muscle tension

· Improves sex life

For more info contact : 9989717653  or  9618610505{whatsapp}

“Siddhimind is the power of the mind which helps one achieve success, accomplishment, and perfection in anything one does.”